Monday, March 10, 2008

The Haze Hayes Anniversary Special

So I haven't been blogging lately. With the cold the late night walks have become frequently shorter because I shiver in the cold even with my sweater and/or jacket on.

But TODAY there is reason to celebrate! While I have been Haze all my life, I have only been Haze Hayes since I was adopted by Mike and Marion Hayes and today is our one year anniversary. Dad plans to celebrate by cooking me a chicken burger. But he also got me dressed up for his next big Fordham event. Go Rams!

I'm so happy to be a Hayes. I don't just wag my tail when my mom or dad comes home but I do a good shaking of my whole back end. It's so exciting to have them home.

So much love to Mom and Dad for adopting me. It's been a great year!

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